To celebrate the first Tea Time Tuesday, hosted by Barb at
Grits and Glamour, I am "recycling" part of an old post from back in February.

This is my tea cup cabinet. It is in a dark corner and hard to photograph, but here is my best attempt!

When I was a baby, a family friend, who had no children, decided to start buying tea cups for me. Technically, I think most of them are demitasse cups, but my family always called them tea cups. She passed away before I was 4, and my family boxed up these tea cups, so I never knew about them until I was 24 and got married. My mother pulled a box out and told me about them. As I newlywed, I was being showered with china, silver and crystal, so I didn't really appreciate them. I hauled this box whenever we moved, but finally when I was 30 and a stay at home mother, I unpacked the box. What a treasure and given to me by someone I never knew!
In my Victorian home, I have a china cabinet from the 1920's that houses all of them. For different occasions I display some on top with other goodies I have found through the years. Here is what I pulled out for Valentine's Day. Any information would be welcomed!!!
This is one of my very favorites! It is so thin and delicate!

This is the backmark on the cup; there is none on the saucer.

This next one seemed very appropriate for Valentine's Day also with the pink and the flowers.

Here is the saucer - it is too pretty to stay covered all the time!

The backmark on the saucer

This next one reminds me of my grandmother's wedding china from 1920 which my sister inherited.

The last cup always seemed a bit out of place with the rest of the cups, because it is larger, but the rose is so perfect for Valentine's Day!

Hope you have enjoyed some of my decorations! Thank you Barb for starting Tea Time Tuesday at
Grits and Glamour! :D Jewel